This Week in Bevy

What happened this week in the Bevy Engine ecosystem


Cyberpunk UI, Minecraft simulation, and volumetric destruction


This week in Bevy the ecosystem is going strong as the 0.14 release creeps closer.

The fourth unofficial Bevy meetup was livestreamed on May 24th including 3 talks.

  • François gave a talk about Bevy's (and potentially your own) CI system titled Catching Rendering Regressions on all Platforms. This talk culminated in a call to test your own projects' targets, shaders, ui positioning, and more.
  • Lorenz gave a talk about building your own RenderPipelines titled Hooking into the Bevy Rendering Pipeline. It came with a wonderful GitHub repo with working code.
  • Jos gave a talk about the project they had featured in the Bevy 0.12 release notes title Recreating Townscaper using Rust & Bevy. The talk covered a lot of what you would expect from a Townscaper-influenced topic including procedural generation and more. Demo of the project is available live at

bevy_reflect custom attributes

Reflection in Bevy is used for a variety of applications. For example, bevy_inspector_egui uses a custom macro to power inspector options.

#[derive(Reflect, Default, InspectorOptions)]
struct Slider {
    #[inspector(min = 0.0, max = 1.0)]
    value: f32,

Bevy could support this in its reflection capabilities and this PR does exactly that: enabling support for custom attributes. This reflected information is stored in type info and can be retrieved for use in editor or other code applications.

struct Slider {
    value: f64,

let TypeInfo::Struct(info) = Slider::type_info() else {
    panic!("expected struct info");

let field = info.field("value").unwrap();

let range = field.get_attribute::<RangeInclusive<f64>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*range, 0.0..=1.0);

Spherical linear interpolation

Dir3 and Dir2 got support for slerp, aka "spherical linear interpolation", in #13451 which corresponds to interpolating between the two directions at a constant angular velocity.



Sampling was first introduced a couple months ago in #12484. This created the ShapeSample trait which powers the uniform point sampling on bevy_math's shapes. You can calculate randomized points contained by the shape's interior or on the surface boundary.

This week ShapeSample got an implementation for sampling many points in a distribution instead of just one and the Annulus and Tetrahedron shapes got their sampling implementations.


The Tetrahedron and ConicalFrustum got their mesh implementations.

New Primitives

Speaking of shapes, we also got some new primitives in Arc2d, CircularSector, and CircularSegment.

and the Tetrahedron (and the Triangle3d) got added to the render_primitives example.

Alice's Merge Train is a maintainer-level view into active PRs, both those that are merging and those that need work.


Bevy work from the #showcase channel in Discord and around the internet. Use hashtag #bevyengine.

bevy and wry webviews

Bevy and Wry


Integrating Bevy and Wry to render webviews inside of Bevy apps.

This is an interesting approach that has been prototyped a few times going back at least 6 months since Tauri and Wry gained the ability to render multiple windows in one and interact via HasWindowHandle. Tauri has an official example of this kind of approach and so does wry.




BobbinBear is a bevy powered machine embroidery file editor primarily targeting the web. There's a lot planned for the future of this project.


another quartz jam


quartz is a visual programming and dsp playground. This demo is called "grace" and as usual, includes audio so click through to the YouTube video to hear it.

start screenisometricisometric on switch

Isometric game blockout


This demo mimics the Hades 1 start menu using regular bevy_ui. Starting the game shows 3d rendered 8-directional character animations from Blender on top of an isometric level built with Tiled and integrated with bevy_ecs_tilemap. Interaction in the world happens via sensors, colliders, and raycasting from bevy_xpbd_2d. The world and character art are blockouts and will be replaced in the future.

toon water shader

Toon Water shader


A toon water shader based on a Unity tutorial's implementation.

personality systems

To Build a Home personality system


First version of the personality system of ⁠To Build a Home, based on the Big Five model of personality. Characters have five personality traits, subdivided in thirty sub-traits, that define their mood, decisions, wants, needs, etc. The text on the screenshot is generated dynamically based on the sub-traits of the character.

rockrock explodewatermelon earth

Rock destruction


These rocks are being created as volumetric shapes, divided into a voronoise-influenced grid, and re-meshed using a surface nets algorithm. The application is for a realistic mining game.




bevypunk is a recreation of Cyberpunk UI in Bevy using bevy_lunex: a path based retained layout engine.

This demo makes use of a brand new crate vleue_kinetoscope which is responsible for loading and playing gifs.

command line platformerpuzzle platform console

Console-based puzzle platformer


This puzzle platformer expects you to interact with the world via a command line interface.

infinitely scalable candy

Infinitely scalable candy


An SDF fragment shader experiment. The code is fairly compact and more is included in the Discord thread

fn fragment(mesh: VertexOutput)
  -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
    let d = length(mesh.uv) - 0.5;
    let a = abs(sin(d * 3.14159));
    if (0.0 < d) {
    } else {
      return vec4f(
  mesh.uv * mesh.uv * a * min(1/d * 1/d, 100.0),
gltf to meshlets

GLTF to MeshletMesh processing


Converting GLTF files, such as those exported from Blender, to Bevy MeshletMeshs can make it easier to use the experimental meshlets feature. This demo is a demonstration of an early version of this processing work.

This demo is related to PR #13431


bevy_reactor min and max restrictions


bevy_reactor's reflective property inspector widget now uses the new bevy_reflect custom attributes feature to specify the min/max value for numeric fields, as well as the number of decimal digits shown and the step size. This enables building a slider widget for editing f32 fields. A new SpinBox widget can be used to edit Vec3 fields. Spinboxes are used when a numeric field has no min/max constraint, or where there isn't enough space to put a slider.

Available macro attributes include @ValueRange, @Precision, and @Step with more to come and there's lots more information in the Discord thread.

#[derive(Resource, Debug, Reflect, Clone, Default)]
pub struct TestStruct {
    pub selected: bool,

    pub scale: f32,

    pub color: Srgba,
    pub position: Vec3,
    pub unlit: Option<bool>,

    pub roughness: Option<f32>,

    pub metalness: Option<f32>,

    pub factors: Vec<f32>,
starfell logostarfell



Starfell is a game where you build your own community on a tiny planet. You will be able to construct houses, collect resources, interact with NPCs, and take on enemies and big bosses.

This update redesigns the pine trees, improves various aspects of foliage, and invests in some infrastructure and refactoring.

There's an older movement demo on YouTube.

gpu particle trails

WIP GPU particle trails


This WIP project is about 1k lines of Rust/WGSL that shows off some very cool gpu-driven particle trails.

pixel art in 3d

3d pixel art


3d pixel art generated by using a post-process shader to draw outlines and rendering at a low resolution then scaling up.

fuzzy search

First steps: fuzzy search


This author's first steps with Rust and Bevy included making their own console implementation with fuzzy search.

minecraft villagers holding cobblestoneminecraft villagers building a settlement

GenDesignMC 2024 Minecraft simulation in Bevy


This demo is simulating a Minecraft settlement in Bevy and then rendering it in Minecraft for GenDesignMC 2024.

As the simulation runs, each tick's changes get written to NBT, and at the end a datapack is generated that reads the NBT and replays it.

bevy flurx webview integration

bevy_flurx and wry


bevy_flurx provides a mechanism for more sequential description of delays, character movement, waiting for user input, and other state waits.

wry is the cross-platform WebView rendering library used by Tauri.

This demo (and associated GitHub repo) is a simple prototype integrating Bevy and Wry using bevy_flurx.


New releases to and substantial updates to existing projects

bevy_web_keepalive 0.1,0.2,0.3


bevy_web_keepalive is a collection of plugins that aim to help deal with the fact that web pages can stop running your Bevy app if the player backgrounds the game. It saw its 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 releases this week.

pyri_state v0.1.0


Bevy States are getting ComputedStates and Substates in Bevy 0.14 but you can still use any alternative state implementation, like this crate: pyri_state which has its own take on state management, including computed and sub states, and works with Bevy 0.13.

bevy-histrion-packer v0.3.0


bevy-histrion-packer is a Bevy plugin that enables efficiently packing all game assets, such as textures, audio files, and other resources, into a single common PAK like file format.

0.3 updates the .hpak file format to support multiple compression algorithms including deflate, gzip, zlib, and brotli.


vlog style updates from long-term projects

sickle_ui theme

sickle_ui theming


This devlog shows off progress on sickle_ui theme support.

No Educational this week
Pull Requests Merged This Week

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